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Brian Caulfield
Editor of Fathers for Good

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November 10, 2009


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MG Gannon

Brendan returned home from Afghanistan on this past Wednesday, so we have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. He and his fellow soldiers were horrified at the treatment of women in Afghanistan - beating, kicking, etc. Truly a shock for them.

As retired Air Force, I would like thank and honor all the brave men and women of the Armed Forces who fight and defend our great country for few rewards but for pride and passion that is as deeply seated as the Faith we all carry within us as Knights. I'm very proud of this generation and the traditions they carry out. Salutes are in order to everyone of them along with prayers the return safely to their families.

Richard Joseph

My son just returned from one year in Afghanistan so for me this is a Veterans I will always remember. I've told many people in the last couple weeks that he has returned and most all say "tell him thanks for his service".

Sgt. Ballman

Re: Thank a Veteran for Your Freedom

You are welcome. Peace.
Sgt (Retired) David Ballman, CD
26 years in the CF.
Gulf War Vet 1991


Thank you again for writing yet another great article. My brother and his wife are actually stationed at Fort Hood, so the tragedy of last week hit close to home.

They are safe, but they are facing deep repercussions. I appreciate you honoring Veterans Day, especially in the midst of recent events.

God Bless,

Mark V

Thank you for this message. My father passed away last year and he fought in 2 wars. Your message is appropo at this time.

Pat L

I try and make it a point to shake as many hands as I can of men and women in uniform when I see them. I recommend that to anyone it is a good feeling when you walk away.
Many thanks and blessings go out to all who served to protect us past and present.


Many salutes to my father, who signed up for WWII right from high school because he believed in the American way.

Thanks, Dad!

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