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Brian Caulfield
Editor of Fathers for Good

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February 03, 2009


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Frederick R, King

At one time I was skeptical about moracles until I went to Loudes with a Protestant friend of mine. What happèned to him and to me was, for me was truly a miracle in itself. So now I do believe in miracles, I have seen it happen!

Frederick Y. King


very nice story im glad you shared it with us

carmel sammut

God is great, lets all of us pray for the glorification of our Holy Mary Mother of God.

Love you all.

Carmel Sammut

Ivo da C.Souza

I do believe in miracles. God is powerful enough to work miracles. They are signs of God's presence in the world. We do not need miracles for believing, but they do confirm our faith in God.
Let me pray for miracles that we need in our daily pilgrimage. I hope to receive God's merciful healing!...

Susan Hagerman

It was a miracle! I believe it! I have experienced the healing of God in my own daughter! and Padre Pio! What a Saint! Miracles cannot be explained by medical doctors. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!!!


Brian. I'm happy to read of your miracle and I thank God for giving us these messages of his love. I too have an experience of healing from the waters of Lourdes. At the age of 46, I had open heart surgery to repair my mytral valve in my heart. The cardiologist thought that since I was still fairly young, that a repair should be done since my heart was becoming enlarged. The repair was done by a respected doctor and everything was thought to have gone well. One month later, echo cardiograms showed moderate to severe leakage of the heart valve and the surgeon said that the surgery failed. After six months, my cardiologist recomended surgery again to replace the mitral valve with an arifictial valve. He sent me to Rochester, Minn for another opinion and three cardiologists told me that they felt I would need to replace my mitral valve within two years. I went home with the need to have surgery again looming in the future. My youngest daughter was 10 years old at the time and knew a friend who's family knew a Nun who was traveling to Lourdes. She was told about the healing waters of Lourdes and asked if the Nun could bring some water home for her dads heart. The Nun agreed and she told me that she was getting something for my heart. I didn't ask what. I just said that was nice of her. About a month past when she came into our house with a little bottle with the image of Our Lady of Lourdes on it. I took a little drink from the bottle as my daughter ran to our room to get a stethoscope to listen to my heart. She was sure that I would be healed. My wife stood behind her and smiled as she listened intensely to my heart and I smiled back at her. Two weeks later, I had a scheduled echo cardiogram done. Following the reading of the echo, my cardiologist entered the room with the quote, I don't have any explanation for it, but your heart is normal. If I didn't know you were a heart patient, I would never be able to tell by examining you. Nine years have past now and my heart is still normal. I just had an examination a week ago. Prace God! He speaks of having the faith of a child. Although we did not travel to Lourdes, Our daughter showed us that the miracles of Lourdes can be brought to you.


Hi, dear brother Brian! Peace, brother!

I'm very happy with your news! You aren't alone, brother! Miracles are considered because they are wanted as well! By us and They in The Hight!

If possible, visit my ESPIRITUALIDADE pages and see my own experiences. Translating from portuguese to english, by now! It's good to know!

Graces for God!

All with Jesus, nothing without Mary, of Fatima, Lourdes and every people and places "Aparecida"!!!

Regards, blesses for you and all Caufield Family!



Glory be to God, Bro. Brian! I sense the urging of the Holy Spirit behind you as you wrote this post.

Indeed, heaven is closer than we think and the kingdom of God is at hand.

Fr. Joseph Walsh, Lincoln (Neb) Diocese

Brian, Thanks for the story on your little one. May the Lord be praised.

Lori Drouhard

Thank you for sharing this story with us. The girls truly enjoyed watching you sons and they are thought of often!


Thank you for your testimony. God is great and mysterious. Your courage displayed in sharing your story is a gift to us all.

May God move the hearts of those without the gift of Faith to ask for it. (There is so much that is "unseen" that most of us in this life miss. Thankfully it does not require us to believe for it to exist. How sad it would be if God's Grace (whether healing, or conversion, or mercy, etc.) would cease to exist like Tinkerbell's light, or Michael Ende's The Neverending Story World of Fantasia, because we ceased to believe in it.)

Steve Wallace

Thank you for sharing this. I am one who believes in miracles, as I have my own involving St. Padre Pio.

Steve Sledge

Wonderful story, and I'm glad your son was healed. I believe in miracles, but reading about one like this still sends shivers up my spine. Vivat Jesus!


Felicidades por esta caricia de Nuestra Madre. ¡¡ Y pensar que desde donde vivo yo Lourdes está sólo a dos horas!!
(y try to translate: Congrats for this caress of Our Mother. I am only two hours far from Lourdes... and, unbelieveablely, I still haven't been there!!)

L. J., California

My friend, I never understood miracles but I guess you are free to call a miracle what may be just a rare medical occurence. I do believe in God, but not in miracles.

Jason, Fayetville

Heaven is closer than we think. If people cannot get to Lourdes, there are shrines for Our Lady all over the US. I have a bottle of Lourdes water at home!

Maria M.

This is wonderful and inspiring. So many people think miracles are things of the saints in the past, but God is still working. Thank you for sharing.

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